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Writer's pictureVirginia Caradori


Updated: May 24, 2021

Imagine Jesus with His Mother.

If ever there was something to imagine about Jesus it would be how he was with his mother in all stages of his life. My first thought about this was seeing a tiny newborn baby looking at his mother for the first time. Here is the Son of God in human flesh. He is fully God and yet has just experienced birth from a woman, his own creation. Mind blowing at best, but Imagine in that perfect little baby the knowledge that he is God. Just ponder it. Here he is completely dependent on humans for food, care and shelter. The creator of the universe humbling himself and trusting his creation to raise him to manhood for a specific purpose to die for the sins of the entire world.

I have to pause here. It is kind of a heavy thought. We celebrate Christmas every year, and whether or not it is the "correct day" or "time of year" is immaterial at this point. What is so important not to miss is that this baby was FULLY God. What did he know as he was cradled in the arms of that teenage girl?

Did he know all of his life what he would suffer? Did he long to comfort his mother knowing what she would have to go through?

Imagine Jesus turning the care of his mother over to John, the disciple whom he loved. Did he know that John had what was needed to provide Mary the comfort and assurance that he could not? Probably.

Just Imagine Jesus' love for his own mother. Now think of this, every person in this world has a mother. We don't get to come here without one. Some of us still have our mom to hug, some do not. For me, this Mother's day, I Imagine Jesus hugging my mom and singing while she plays the piano for the heavenly hosts to praise her Savior.

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

I love you.

See you soon.

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