A Daily Journey to the Unknown

Every day I wake up and wonder what the day will bring. I picture myself in the passenger seat of a convertible, bright red 5 speed. I Imagine Jesus at the wheel. The top is down and off we go. My hair is blowing in the wind and wrapping around my face at times blocking the view. The sun is shining and the radio is playing some great praise tunes. We are laughing and enjoying the ride as white fluffy clouds pass us by and everything is perfect!
Is this how you face each day? To be honest it isn't how I face each day. In fact the truth is that I get up, trudge to the coffee maker. I take the dog for a walk. I talk to God and ask him not to make go to work that day. "I just want to stay home with Wagsley and you," I say. Softly I hear, "He who does not work, will not eat." Darn it all! I like to eat. So I sit down and write, or catch up on email or social media, and if I need to, make some changes to some artwork for a client. Then it is off to work. Most days I say, "I really hate this job." then I follow it with "Thank you God for this job." I don't think that God needs to hear me say it, because He does know my heart. He knows the job stresses me out. He knows I don't want to go. I tell Him because honesty is part of being in a relationship. If he didn't want to hear it, then he wouldn't want the relationship.
If we don't talk to God, then why would we expect Him to talk to us? "Speak to me God. Tell me what you want me to do." How many times do people pray that prayer and then don't listen for God's response? I recall Elijah complaining as he fled from those who wanted to kill him and who had killed the other prophets. Remember at this time in Elijah's life God let him rest, and he fed him and then he came to him in a whisper. I still find this amazing. He didn't scold him or strike him dead for complaining or running away. He knew it was hard, but he knew Elijah just needed to rest and eat and then hear his voice. We make everything so difficult, when it really is quite simple.
There are times when I drive to work and I am happy. Maybe it is the song on the radio that is just blowing my mind with all the truth pouring out of it. Or maybe I just have this inner peace and joy about the day, like it is a Friday or something. It is on those days that I say, "where are we going today God? I can't wait to get there." On those days nothing that goes wrong bothers me. You would think by now the lesson should have been learned and I would start every day this way.
I was thinking about this when I took a drive with Wagsley last night. Saturday we take our weekly drive to the dog park. It is the same route each time and he knows exactly where we are headed. The excitement sometimes is so great that his nose touches my rear view mirror, and if I stop fast he ends up in the front seat. Perhaps he thinks that if he stands closer to the hood of the car we will get there faster. Then on the occasions where we just go for an evening drive he is very talkative. He is excited, but he has no idea where we are going. I imagine all the sounds he is making are him asking "where are we going?" That same excitement for the destination is what we should have every day.
Imagine Jesus saying, "You ready? Let's go! Today is going to be amazing!"
Imagine Jesus with the keys to a heavenly chariot that rides on the wind with amazing winged horses that never get tired.
Imagine Jesus taking you daily on a ride through life without limits or fear.
Imagine Jesus cranking up the radio as you meet each second of every day with praise.
How different would our lives be if Jesus took the wheel? Let Jesus drive for once. He is far better at it and knows all the great routes to take into uncharted territory!
When life is all done, we will truly be able to say WHAT A RIDE!
1 Kings 19:11-12 "The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper."
Matthew 11:30 "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Don't forget to check out the praise page for today's song. I bet you can't guess what it is! Click on the blue music note at the top of the page.