Leaning on an Unchanging God

Tonight as I was walking I was thinking about the book of Revelation. I used to be afraid to read it, or hear the pastor teach about it. That has changed. I think it was because I heard a Jewish pastor say that it wasn't written for us because the church had a wedding to attend. His glee about this made me think how silly I am to worry about anything after this life. I don't think it was at that moment that I no longer felt apprehensive about the message of Revelation, but that was the first time I remember thinking, "well duh!"
I have attended churches that teach a lot on Revelation and churches that don't teach at all about Revelation. I think the visuals were always frightening to me. I don't like suffering, or watching others suffer. My empathy button is turned all the way up and there are something that I just can't deal with. Hearing about wars, violence, evil, and people being killed for their faith are all things that break my heart because I know I can't stop what God has planned. However, I can trust that it will go exactly as planned.
The more I study it, hear about it and experience in my heart what God is doing in the book of Revelation I find myself at peace. The victory has already been won. God's prophecies ALWAYS come true, and the beautiful part is that because of HIS love He has chosen me to spend eternity with Him. I will see the new heaven and new earth. I will be part of the first resurrection that keeps me safe from the power of death. Even if I don't get raptured out of this earth, I will be resurrected. It's something I never gave much thought to before. I always looked at the frightening parts of Revelation and those parts kept me from the hope that is written there.
Imagine Jesus saying, "Trust me. You really will like the way this story ends." Imagine Jesus getting ready for this finale where he will rule the earth, where He will finally be worshiped by ALL of creation. There won't be any more waiting. Those who didn't understand will see for themselves just how much God loves them. Evil will be punished. Eternity will be like nothing we could ever imagine.
Part of maturity, whether it be physical or spiritual, is perspective. Physical maturity is necessary to be able to live on your own, thrive, and raise a family no matter what crazy the world throws at you. It can get pretty harrowing at times. Maturity helps you weather those crazy storms. The same for spiritual maturity. Just six months ago I worried about everything. I'm not mature spiritually, but I can see a change. This blog has changed me. Reading the word of God and spending time with Jesus has also changed me. I have a long way to go. I'm not in any rush. Right now the journey is pretty cool.
I love Imagining Jesus along the way, and I love that I get to share it with others. Read Revelation. GOD WINS!
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 21:6 "He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life."
Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."